Thursday 15 May 2014

Small Stuff

Ok so getting this thing off the ground is proving interesting.

I have explained my idea to lots of people. Suggestions have been good and wide ranging with quite a few people even showing enthusiasm to join me for parts of it, in theory at least. But I'm spending the evening doing some planning to help me along a bit.

In anticipation of something big and significant I have been doing a number of small things that I've never done before.

I watched a documentary about a female punk lead singer I'd never heard of then went out to dinner. We sat in Piccolino's new exciting outside/inside bit with patio heaters. It was nice but obviously not funny or unusual enough to count.

I let my nearly six year old cut up a pepper with a real sharp knife. It gave me palpitations.

Yesterday I got dressed in an unusual order, putting my underwear on as late as possible in the process. It felt strange to stand for a brief moment in nothing but my socks and denim skirt and altogether too odd for my liking.

I also went all morning without eating a snack. That was just plain wrong and I only managed it because I wasn't feeling very well at the time.

Clearly I need some more significant ideas and to set some rules for myself so I know what I can and can't get away with. Otherwise I'll just try a different restaurant each week and stand on one leg in different rooms of the house and call it a success.

While I set the rules, keep the suggestions coming please. I can't guarantee I'll do them but the more ideas the better.

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